The internet world may be unexpected at times, and whether you're a website owner or user, you could run across a number of issues that interfere with your surfing. The 505 mistake is one such error. In order to guarantee error-free web surfing, we will look into the details of the 505 issues, their causes, and their solutions in this article.

What is a 505 error?

An HTTP status code of 505, often known as "HTTP Version Not Supported," appears when a server does not support the HTTP protocol version that the client has requested. A 505 error indicates that the server cannot process the request because it is using an outdated or unsupported version of the HTTP protocol.

Causes of a 505 Error

  • Outdated Server Software: Server software that has reached its expiration date is one frequent source of a 505 error. If your client submits a request using a newer version of the HTTP protocol and the server you are addressing uses an older version, the server cannot comprehend or support it, leading to a 505 error.
  • Incompatible Browser: A browser that isn't compatible is another potential factor. A 505 error can appear if you're using an old or uncommon browser that doesn't support the server's needed HTTP version. Frequently, updating your browser to the most recent version may fix this problem.
  • Problems with Proxy Servers: Proxy servers function as a bridge between clients and servers. When trying to connect to a proxy server, a 505 error may appear if it is out of date or has been set up incorrectly.
  • Website Configuration Issues: A 505 error may also result from incorrect website setups. For instance, the server may return a 505 error if a website's code indicates an invalid or unrecognized HTTP version.

How to Fix a 505 Error

Now that we are aware of the reasons let's look at various fixes for 505 errors:

  • Update Server Software: Make sure your server software is current if you are the owner or administrator of a website. Updating your server software helps you avoid 505 errors and guarantees compliance with the most recent versions of the HTTP protocol. For help with upgrading the server software, speak with your hosting company or server administrator.
  • Verify Browser Compatibility: As a user, make sure that the most recent version of your browser is installed. Although the majority of contemporary browsers do so automatically, it is still worthwhile to actively check for updates. A 505 error is less likely to occur when you use a commonly used and well-liked browser.
  • Check the Proxy Settings: If you use a proxy server, check the configuration options. Check to see whether the proxy server software is current and set up to process HTTP requests. If assistance is required, speak with your network administrator or the proxy server provider.
  • Investigate website setup: If you get a 505 error while trying to visit a certain website, there may be a problem with the setup of that website. In order to report the problem and provide them with the specifics, get in touch with the website's owner or administrator. They are able to look into the issue and change the website's code if needed.


Experiencing a 505 error may be aggravating, but being aware of its causes and knowing how to fix it might help. Whether you're a website owner or user, maintaining the most recent versions of your server software and browser, checking your proxy server settings, and fixing configuration issues with your website will all help you avoid 505 errors and have a flawless surfing experience. To overcome the difficulties brought on by HTTP version incompatibilities, be aware, be proactive, and successfully troubleshoot.